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2024-03-23 12:15:32
SAS_Sniper wrote:

SAS EVR is always watching.

Never gone. Anytime you want a round of RVS give me a PM/email.

We are still playing bud. Community is still alive. New OpenRVS shows the most active servers. PVP mainly on FRI & SAT nights. COOP throughout the week.


2020-02-26 07:55:57

I saw another SAS member, back from the past. SAS_LCpl_MM18. He's been playing a few days recently. It was nice to see him around again. Sniper, Master, EZbasr have been in game as well as myself. I'm getting my chops back and playing better again. I like to see which servers have the most failed attempts and beat the map  cool

2018-06-05 18:29:32

A hell of bunch of good guys.Played many years with them.

2018-04-13 05:50:02

I got it about two weeks ago. I've played 3 or 4 times. I noticed you in a server last night, but you were only in spectator mode. Two or three others joined but only stayed spectator. I guess they just wanted to watch a former player shake off the dust. That reminds me DE_Dust was a great tango hunt map!!! I wonder if it's on any servers?

Anyway, maybe I'll see you today in discord or the servers and we can chat for real.

2018-04-02 19:30:59

Ah yes that was an old post! Before I found your clan site and I posted on those forums months back too.
Glad to have you with us dude! We chatted on the Discord briefly.

We have Rogue Spear and Athena Sword, Iron Wrath, original Rainbow Six maps on our ALLR6 servers  big_smile
I am also working on designing a few new maps!

You will enjoy the latest weapons and scopes in game too. Modernized a bit!

The patch you need for online play:

2018-04-01 07:52:08
Legacy [ALLR6] wrote:

These guys still around? I have one of their maps on my servers

Yes, we are still around. The team is playing ARMA, Ground Branch, and SWAT4TSS.
Not many players are actively gaming at the moment, but on weekends there is a bit of activity.
I ran 22nd [SAS] EVR for over a decade during two tours as the Commanding Officer. Currently SAS_CO_DeCapi has the reigns and is leading the team into the future. During its peak, [SAS] had over 40 highly trained team players with a Directing Staff responsible for recruiting and training of recruits for the Selection Course. We used a ranked system of organization so that everyone had clearly defined roles and responsibilities within the team. It was highly disciplined and as real of an immersion as you can get from in front of a PC. That's what made it fun.

If you are interested in checking out the website and our member list visit us....

Right now, I'm playing SWAT4, SWAT4:TSS, and SWAT4:Elite Forces Mod. I'm on |SOG| servers a lot since they resurfaced. If the server I'm in has too many nabs, I'll have some players join me on SAS Proving Ground 4 for some fast paced team play.

My discord name is the same as here, SAS_Random #6630 if you want to make a new friend ;-)

I'll look into downloading the R6:RVS update for multiplayer and see if it's all I remembered it to be. We used to have Rogue Spear and Athena Sword servers, too--back in the day.

2018-02-21 14:58:54
SAS_Sniper wrote:

SAS EVR is always watching.

Never gone. Anytime you want a round of RVS give me a PM/email.

Sniper! Welcome to the community. Everyone here pretty much plays rvs online. 800+ members on the Discord. Even more in game every day who arent on the Discord too. Servers are full daily at various times.

ALLR6 servers are the best!
You will appreciate the new guns and scopes/sights!
And maps!
And tangos!
And Rainbow operative skins!

Updates every other week as well.

2018-02-21 14:52:19

SAS EVR is always watching.

Never gone. Anytime you want a round of RVS give me a PM/email.

2017-02-14 16:38:36
]H[BillGreen wrote:

Hey dudes!

Spotted this forum from a youtube comment on an ex-clanmate's video about RvS  big_smile

Strictly adversarial mode, TDM, player here from the very past of RS.

Too bad Xfire has been shutdown, I had plenty of contacts from that era on it who would like to play again.

Awesome dude! We have more videos at and always being added. More will be coming from adver too.
Join us on comms sometime text/voice chat tons of us always down to play man you can join the Discord server via

2017-02-14 06:31:23

Hey dudes!

Spotted this forum from a youtube comment on an ex-clanmate's video about RvS  big_smile

Strictly adversarial mode, TDM, player here from the very past of RS.

Too bad Xfire has been shutdown, I had plenty of contacts from that era on it who would like to play again.

2017-02-10 10:47:22
Recognition wrote:

I think they are coming back slowly because I've been bugging some of them =p

Yeah I saw your post on their website.

2017-02-10 10:43:54

It just dawned on me that the SAS clan have a website and a Swat 4 and Arma 3 server like CrazyJake said -- They're all over the palce.

2017-02-10 10:41:05

I think they are coming back slowly because I've been bugging some of them =p

2017-02-10 09:34:17


Found one.

2017-01-27 09:57:33

they play Armed Assault and SWAT4, seems as their RvS servers are gone though, too bad cause there was heavy focus on teamplay and cooperation.


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