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2023-04-27 20:36:45
Giraffity wrote:

Hey where can all the basic patches be found to correct errors common with these game on today's computers?

Where can i download Iron Wrath? Can it be added to Gold Edition? Also Has anyone ever heard of Raven Shield Complete? It includes both expansions.

A patch I heard of long ago was one that makes the enemies not hit you instantly on Elite, sometimes they shoot you even before they've fully seen you, as if they start shooting before they see you and it's ridiculous, I'd always play on it but it's not realistic and a patch apparently was made to fix that where it became like a nice combo difficulty level of Veteran and Elite.

Where to download all classic maps too btw?

Answers to these questions would be appreciated. Btw, no I'm not looking for the stupid mods to "upgrade" the game, it adds nothing to the game at all and in fact cheapens it. The original game is a masterpiece.

This Optimization patch is still the best one for Rainbow Six 3 Raven Shield

Smooths out gameplay etc for most people.

As for the Elite Difficulty of Tangos well there are other mods on ModDB for that, Tango AI mods listed there in the Ravenshield section.
Heavy Armor is a nice option when doing single player as well it gives you a few more rounds before you go down.
Certain maps that are more difficult start with Heavy Armor in COOP as well. At least on our ALLR6 servers.

The free R6 Iron Wrath DLC is here

Note: The ALLR6 servers inside Raven Shield have Athena Sword, Iron Wrath maps combined on the servers for COOP all in one place smile

2023-03-19 14:26:39

Hey where can all the basic patches be found to correct errors common with these game on today's computers?

Where can i download Iron Wrath? Can it be added to Gold Edition? Also Has anyone ever heard of Raven Shield Complete? It includes both expansions.

A patch I heard of long ago was one that makes the enemies not hit you instantly on Elite, sometimes they shoot you even before they've fully seen you, as if they start shooting before they see you and it's ridiculous, I'd always play on it but it's not realistic and a patch apparently was made to fix that where it became like a nice combo difficulty level of Veteran and Elite.

Where to download all classic maps too btw?

Answers to these questions would be appreciated. Btw, no I'm not looking for the stupid mods to "upgrade" the game, it adds nothing to the game at all and in fact cheapens it. The original game is a masterpiece.


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