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Topic review (newest first)

2018-02-10 15:32:04

Cool dude. Let me know if you need help with staticmeshes and such. Its very time consuming I know.
Are you going to use a default skybox? You could try

Let me know if you want me to do the tangos on the map for you instead in terms of behaviours and more. If you are unsure just let me know. We can make some of them patrol, surrender, attack with aimed fire, random spray fire or whatever.   But anyway thats the last thing you will do on the map. As well as path nodes.

I sent a template file you can use. (Discord #r6modding channel) for the tangos.

2018-02-10 15:21:46

Real life has kept me busy for the past few days, I hope to get closer to finishing my Sand Hammer map this week. I should be able to do the last minor adjustments to finish the layout this weekend at least. Then it is just a matter of adjusting textures and arranging static meshes throughout the map.

This a a WIP video I took earlier that shows where the map was at that point. Progress is being made!

2018-02-05 19:05:13

Oh, this was before I asked on Discord. Thanks though!

2018-02-05 16:50:42

Still no luck with the Group browser? Send me the file if you want on Discord maybe I can take a look

2018-02-04 20:21:37

Does anyone know what would cause static meshes (such as catwalks) to disappear when you close and open a map?

2018-02-03 21:20:29

I am trying to create a terrain at this point. I am remembering how stupid the terrain editor can be in UnrealED. So far I have gotten to the point where I can create the terrain, but it crashes when I look at it. I believe I have to save first, let it crash, then come back to edit. Once I figure it out, this map should be ready for a test video!

2018-01-31 14:22:59

First floor and layout of the first desalination area is complete for Sand Hammer.

2018-01-30 17:26:32

Little power building and office area are complete for Sand Hammer. I plan to finish the first large building tonight or at least get close.

2018-01-29 22:22:00

Since the old hard drive is toast, I will have to start from scratch on my remakes. No biggie though, those first maps taught me a decent workflow that I should be able to do with more efficiency on my new laptop.

I'm already working on two maps, Sand Hammer and Jade Key. I plan to knock out Sand Hammer first since that has really simple geometry.

We already have some Arab terrorists from the Iron Comet convert in Iron Wrath, but we have no Asian terrorists in Raven Shield as far as I know. If any skinners or modders out there would like to make the two terrorists featured here: that would be a big help.

I have the textures needed either downloaded or made in Photoshop already as of now. I'm going to work on Sand Hammer a bit tonight. Hopefully I will have some screenshots within the next week or two depending on free time.

If I manage to do these two, I would like to do Mystic Tiger and Zero Gambit for the next missions.


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