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Topic review (newest first)

2018-02-09 10:48:17


Can't figure out how to open the files, even with the SDK.

Do the extension names, ".SBO" and ".UAX," act as adjustable portions of the name, so that the file can be decompressed with a .zip program?  For example, in my Jedi Knight Outcast/Academy years, I learned that any file for it that ends with ".PK3" could be opened with WinZip after the ".PK3" was renamed to ".zip"...  Is that the case with these files as well...?

2018-02-09 02:15:15

I was able to locate several sound files that look like they're the ones that need to be modified.


I'm assuming that I can use the Raven Shield SDK ver. 2  2010 to open them up for editing?

Epic Bob Ross
2018-02-08 19:39:52

I support this. I can accomidate this project with some aounds I have

2018-02-08 12:02:52

I've already reached out through ModDB's PM system to ac1 1b in regards to this topic, so I'm posting below much of what I wrote to him to get community feedback...

Does Raven Shield's game engine assign sound effects to EVERY round as it TRAVELS over the ENTIRE length of its trajectory? For a LOT of shooters, the answer is "No" (Arma III does supply such an elaborate system for its fired bullets and rounds). If that's the case with Raven Shield, what's a possible solution to it NOT supplying traveling-sound-effects to each fired round?

Perhaps the supersonic crack/whiz by could be ADDED TO the sound effects of IMPACTING OBJECTS. More specifically, the supersonic crack could be added to the FRONT of the recording of the impacting object sound effect. Thus, every time a bullet hit an object, the supersonic crack would be heard just before the actual material impact sound was played. This could do a VERY good job of conveying the terror one feels when bullets are getting WAY TOO CLOSE to the player and his comrades.

I have a link to a YouTube video that is one of The Very Best recordings of a supersonic crack I've ever heard. The first three shots weren't timed properly, but the rounds passing by after those three have a remarkably clear recording. If you want to rip sound effects from anywhere, this video would be a GREAT starting point.

Here's the link:

Well, here's a potential problem: what if there's only ONE hit effect for every substance that's hit by a bullet? That could end up sounding bizarre. For example, let's say that you're inside a building, and you see a tango outside of it, 5 m. away. If you shoot, YOUR bullet hits the glass a few inches in front of your rifle barrel: one does NOT hear supersonic cracks that close because the rifle's firing sound should be loud enough that one can't hear one's own bullet's supersonic crack as it travels away from you. That said, it might be possible to hear that in the GAME. Hmm...

The supersonic crack's volume needs to be loud enough to be intimidating, yet not so loud that it's heard above the sound of one's firing weapon.

If there is no way to assign a sound effect so that it travels with the round, then I don't know of a sensible solution to incorporating whiz by's. They're random, and frequently much more rare than a supersonic crack. You can hear that for yourself here:   You'll notice that one can hear a LOT of supersonic cracks. The whizby is heard at the 14 sec. mark.

Here's a string of whiz by sound effects that you can use, for free:

A friend of mine was in Iraq, and he said that the worst  whiz by's sounded like a buzzing bee; a round that's buzzing with that much "deep bass" to it is one that is VERY close to the listener. He said that they would cause an uncontrollable nervous reaction, like a deep-tickle, that would travel to one's bones.

I don't know. If you can't figure a way to code a randomization of sound effects of cracks/whiz by's, then I'd just stick to the supersonic crack, as it's what one hears most of the time anyway. If you CAN figure out a way to randomize a mixture of cracks/whiz by's, then I'd strongly suggest making it so that the supersonic crack is heard 75% of the time, and only 25% of the time will one hear a whiz by.

Here's a GREAT high quality actual combat video of a firefight. Supersonic bullet cracks abound. Scary! 

One more.

Fighting in Afghanistan is the very definition of insanity. The Graveyard of Empires indeed.  Jump to the 54 sec. mark. 

Let's hope that, at the very least, one can front-load supersonic cracks to hit-materials sound effects.


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