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Topic review (newest first)

2021-03-02 22:34:26

Hey dude, this error happens if you have downloaded single player mods or maps and they are have outdated or different versions of files than the ones running online on a server.

To fix this error delete the file. In that case its an Animation file.

Note, if you are going to install mods, keep one copy of the game folder for your modded version.
Keep a fresh clean copy of the game for playing online. Message me on Discord if you need another solution.

The online mods/maps that run on the servers will automatically just download when you join the server. (Dont forget to update connection speed to T3) Discord is the Discord. You can post in #techsupport

2021-03-02 22:02:26

I recently created an rvs server. The server is running and patched. When i join the server it automatically starts downloading me the maps. However, once it completes i get an error (Package 'R6Rainbow_UKX' version mismatch). This doesn't happen when i join other servers. This file is located in the animation folder.  I tried changing the name to this file. game crashes.

Any solutions?


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