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Starting to learn that like 75% of the siege community seems to be toxic elitist douches. Wtf happened to the good days
Well idk I have it on PS4 and I SUCK AT IT hahah. Much better on PC still. I'm decent at BF4 and BF3 on console though!
One of the things I like is how well they did with making the game for consoles. I play it on the Xbox One, and the controls for the game are pretty good on the controller. Overall, it is a pretty good game with the controller, definitely better than CS:GO on consoles, that's for sure.
Too much CoD
Twitch. So useless.
They lowered the damn time limit making the game even less strategic and more run and gun. Like why.... I thought R6 was supposed to be about tactics. Really not enjoying such so much anymore. Sigh.
I mean its still good but JUST NOT THE SAME as the classics.