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#1 2017-12-03 04:13:03

GiGn Guy

Weapons and Guns Mods

- Welcome the " Weapons and Guns Mods" collection -
I've visited this website hoping to find some neat weapons to play with but i see none.
So I've made this " topic" for all modders to post their custom guns or weapons here.
I hope you enjoy your stay! smile
                                                                     -GiGn Guy 27

#2 2017-12-04 14:11:33

Registered: 2017-01-31
Posts: 20

Re: Weapons and Guns Mods

Hi, you can grab the new guns I made for singleplayer here: … 17-update/

For multiplayer, a server owner has to install the files.  If you run a server, you can grab all the files at ModDB.




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